Interpreting the Results

The first thing you will notice about the GritABC™ Skills Assessment is that all results are provided as percentiles.

What is a Percentile?

A percentile tells you how the score, relative to other people who've completed the same social/emotional/behavioral skills assessment. A percentile is more useful than a raw score. For example, imagine that someone took an assessment and received a raw score of 3.76/5.00 in conscientious grit. What does 3.76/5.00 in conscientious grit even mean? Is that a high score? A low score? About average?

In contrast, a percentile score has a very straightforward interpretation. For example, if someone scores in the 82nd percentile of conscientious grit, this means that they are have more conscientious grit than 82% of other people. Stated differently, they are in the top 18% of conscientious grit—which seems to be a relatively high score.

Interpreting High Percentiles

As an example, imagine a person scored in the 82nd percentile of social/energy grit. This means:

  • The person has more social/energy grit than 82% of other people

  • The person is in the top 18% of social/energy grit

  • The person has less social/energy grit than only 18% of other people

As another way of thinking about it, if we chose 100 completely random people and put them in line from least social/energy grit to most social/energy grit, we would expect the person to be 82nd in line.

Interpreting Low Percentiles

Imagine that a person scored in the 27th percentile of relational grit. This means:

  • The person has more relational grit than only 27% of other people

  • The person is in the bottom 27% of relational grit

  • The person has less relational grit than 73% of other people

The GritABC™ Skills are a Moving Target

It's important to understand that a single GritABC™ Skills score will never fully capture the athlete. This is because the GritABC™ Skills are a moving target in at least two ways:

First, you don't have a single "true" GritABC™ Skills score. Rather, the GritABC™ Skills can shift around a bit in different situations or at different times.

For example, think about how much conscientious grit you feel;. Some days you probably feel a lot of conscientious grit—and other days you may feel less conscientious grit. Your level of conscientious grit is actually a range—not a single point.

Whenever an athlete takes our assessment, their results capture a small snapshot of their GritABC™ Skills at a single point in time. So, it's completely possible that the results on a single assessment might not accurately describe how they usually are.

As a concrete, hypothetical example, in the image below, one person's range of social/energy grit is highlighted in red. Their social/energy grit is usually around the 76th percentile. However, their level of social/energy grit can range anywhere from the 65th percentile to the 87th percentile, depending on their circumstances and how they feel at the moment. One day, when they were feeling particularly energetic and active, they took a GritABC™ Skills Assessment. Their results indicated that they scored in the 82nd percentile in social/energy grit. This single assessment result is an accurate reflection of how much social/energy grit they felt the day that they took the assessment—but it is an overestimate of their typical level of social/energy grit.

The only way to capture an athlete’s stable levels of GritABC™ Skills is to take the GritABC™ Skills Assessment multiple times so that we can estimate the athlete's true GritABC™ Skills across time. We recommend completing the GritABC™ Skills Assessment once every six months.

When they take the GritABC™ Skills Assessment multiple times, our advanced, scientifically backed algorithms will compute their trajectories (i.e., growth) in each grit-related social/emotional/behavioral skill and return both (a) who they currently are, and (b) who we expect them to be in the future, based on scientific evidence.